Webinar: Malin Palö Forsström (Chalmers/GU) December 6

For the second webinar of this fall we have one of this year’s Wallenberg Prize winners as speaker, Malin Palö Forsström (Chalmers/GU).

When: Friday December 6, 11:00-11:45.

Where: https://chalmers.zoom.us/j/62310231442
Meeting-ID: 623 1023 1442
Password: 289285

Title: The phase diagram of lattice gauge theories and related models

Abstract: Lattice gauge theories are spin models that arise as discretizations of the Yang-Mills model in physics. While similar to the Ising model and other spin models in several ways, they also have some particular characteristics as a consequence of the spins being assigned to edges rather than to vertices and interaction taking place over plaquettes instead of over edges. In this talk, we will describe lattice gauge theories in the simplest possible setting. We then describe what has been proven about these models in the last few years, as well as what open and interesting questions remain.