Mini-conference on ”Optimization and algorithms in sparse regression”
1 mars, 2025
This years winner of the Cramér prize for best doctoral thesis in statistics/mathematical statistics is Johan Larsson (LU), with his thesis Optimization and algorithms in sparse regression. The Cramér Society is organising a mini-conference in honour of the winner.
The conference is to take place on Monday March 24, 13:00-16:00, on Zoom.
Zoom link:
- 12.55–13.00 Opening ceremony
- 13.00–13.30 Mário Figueiredo (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
Feature selection in the presence of correlation: From LASSO to SLOPE/OWL - 13.35–14.05 Ulrike Schneider (TU Wien)
A unified framework for pattern recovery in penalized estimation - 14.10–14.40 Mathurin Massias (INRIA, Lyon)
Benchopt, an open source and collaborative benchmarking suite to do better science - 14.40–14.50 Pause
- 14.50–15.20 Måns Magnusson (Uppsala University)
posteriordb: Testing, benchmarking and developing Bayesian inference algorithms - 15.25–15.55 Johan Larsson (University of Copenhagen)
Optimization and algorithms in sparse regression: A summary of my thesis