Summer School on Scientific Visualization and Presentation
The theme of the 2014 Summer School in Falun 16-18 June is Scientific Visualization and Presentation. Although mainly intended for doctoral students, there is also a possibility for others to participate on June 17 when the key speakers are Jo Røislien and Hadley Wickham.
One of the major objectives of the Summer School is for doctoral students in statistics/mathematic statistics and related subjects to get to know each other and become acquainted with ongoing doctoral projects. Accommodation is therefore reserved at Scandic Hotel Lugnet in Falun and several social activities will be included in the program.
Abstracts and presentations
Photo gallery
Travel and venue
Organizing committee

Jo Røislien received his PhD in statistics at NTNU, Norway, and has published a large number of papers in geostatistics and biostatistics. Nevertheless, he is most famous from television where he has been able to capture the interest of a broad audience in numbers and statistics by using excellent presentation techniques.

Hadley Wickham is Assistant Professor of Statistics at Rice University in Houston, Texas, USA, and Chief Scientist of RStudio. In his doctoral thesis ”Practical tools for exploring data and models” from 2008 he deals with statistical visualization and he has also developed one of the leading packages in R for visualization, ggplot2.
Program Booklet (includes also abstracts and list of participants).
The events between 11.00 and 16.30 on Tuesday June 17 are open to all participants; the other events are only for doctoral students. All lunches and dinners will be at Scandic Hotel Lugnet and all lectures will be held at the Campus Lugnet, Dalarna University. On Monday, you will find the registration at Scandic Hotel Lugnet. The registration is open 10.45-11.30. On Tuesday, you will find the registration in the library at the main entrance Dalarna University. The registration is open 10.00 – 11.00.
Abstracts and presentations
Abstracts are found either in the Book of Abstracts or in the Program Booklet.
The slides from Hadley Wickham’s presentations can be downloaded from
The slides from Tom Brittons presentation is found here.
Photo gallery
Photos from the Summer school.
Registration for doctoral students
Hotel fees: 2631:-/single room and 1899:-/person sharing a double room. Rates include 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 2 two-course dinners (drinks not included).
Hotel reservations are made individually to Specify the booking code “sommarskola”. Registration deadline is May 15.
For further questions about the accommodation, please call the Scandic Lugnet at 023-669 22 00.
Note that the hotel reservation is also the registration for the conference.
Requirements for reimbursement of the registration fee from GRAPES (doctoral students only)
For doctoral students who submit an abstract and present their research at the Summer School, it will be possible to get a reimbursement of the hotel fee from GRAPES (but not travel expenses). The procedure to get reimbursement from GRAPES is described at
Abstract submission (doctoral students only)
Present your research (or if If you have just started your PhD-program, present your plans for research) at the Summer School! Presentations should be 15 minutes long.
Abstract including title and references (not more than four) is limited to 1 page. Please use the following template for your abstract submission.
Send us your abstract (as a tex-file and a pdf-file) as soon as possible but not later than May 15, 2014 by email to In the subject of your email please write: Abstract for Summer school from [your name].
If you have problems with using the template or have any other questions regarding the submission, please send an email.
Registration for other participants attending the lectures on Tuesday June 17
Deposit the registration fee to Cramérsällskapets plusgiro 52 58 69-4. The registration fee is 1200 SEK if you are not a member of Cramérsällskapet, and 1000 SEK if you are a member. Lunch is included in the registration fee.
Remember to state your name when you do the payment. Send also an email to specifying that you have made the payment.
Note that the membership in Cramérsällskapet is 50 SEK. So if you are not a member already, it is a good opportunity to become one now.
Registration deadline is June 1.
Travel to and from Falun
Train is the easiest way to go to Falun with trains coming from Stockholm, Arlanda, Uppsala, Örebro and Gävle. See
For those of you who arrive by train to Falun there is a 1,5 km walk (partly uphill) from the station to Campus Lugnet. Dalarna University (Högskolan Dalarna) and Scandic Hotel are just next door to each other. If you prefer not to walk all the way from the station then we suggest you share a taxi (0775-505050 or 023-63000) or walk into the city centre (~500 m from the station) and catch a bus from there.
The easiest way to get to the hotel from the station is to walk along Promenaden (ca 500 m) and turn right to Svärdsjögatan (going uphill), but we suggest you also have a look at a map before you arrive.
The Summer School will be held in Falun just next to the sports and recreation centre Lugnet.
The lectures will be held at the Campus Lugnet of Dalarna University in Falun and the dinners and accommodation will be at Scandic Hotel. The university and the hotel are just next door to each other.The registration and lectures of the invited speakers on Tuesday is in the main building (main entrence), Hyttan, on Campus Lugnet. See map.
Organizing committee
Lars Rönnegård, Dalarna University (chair)
Maria Karlsson, Umeå University
Leif Ruckman, Karlstad University
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at